ASB品牌已经上市近五十年,这使得它成为有史以来经营壁球业务最传统和稳定的行业供应商。ASB壁球产品是在全球范围内高端市场的领导者,自1965年以来,凭据高质量,高可靠性和创新的的名誉,在全球70多个国家设计、交付和安装了超过7.000个壁球场,拥有非常高的客户满意度,并且是各个厂家争相抄袭的对象 - 这表明ASB战略正确,除了进一步提高质量美化设计,还将继往开来进一步发展市场和创新产品。

ASB SQUASH 企业原则之一是:"我们的客户和合作伙伴创造了我们的成功。目标是帮助您找到最佳的投资解决方案。我们提供的产品和服务提供卓越的性能和明显的优势,特别是在质量、技术设计、交货时间、保修和保修后服务方面”。我们遍布全球的业务合作伙伴已准备好实现这些目标。

ASB SquashCourts is the world-wide market leader in the field of high-class system squash courts. Since 1965 we have established the name of ASB with high quality, reliability and many innovations. More than 6.000 squash courts have been delivered to our satisfied customers – this shows that our strategy has been right. ASB SquashCourts have been built in more than 70 countries and we wish to develop further markets with our innovative products.

In order to expand our partner and sales network we offer interesting possibilities for a co-operation in different countries for marketing oriented sales representatives, trading agencies and distributors.